Solar Farm, Trowse, Norfolk

Lanpro secured planning permission for a 16 MW groundmounted solar farm for Island Green Power.

The development covers around 49ha and provides enough power for 4,700 homes per year. The site contains a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is located within a landscape protection zone. These constraints had to be incorporated into the layout of the solar farm to ensure minimal impact was caused.

The local planning authority considered that the development constituted EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) development. Lanpro managed, co-ordinated and prepared the Environmental Statement required to support the application.

The development covers around 49ha and provides enough power for 4,700 homes per year. The site contains a Scheduled Ancient Monument and is located within a landscape protection zone. These constraints had to be incorporated into the layout of the solar farm to ensure minimal impact was caused.

The local planning authority considered that the development constituted EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) development. Lanpro managed, co-ordinated and prepared the Environmental Statement required to support the application.

Project: Solar Farm, Trowse, Norfolk
Client Name: Island Green Power
Council Name: South Norfolk District Council
Planning + Development
Landscape Architecture
"This development will make a positive contribution towards achieving green energy targets and provide power for approximately 4,700 homes."
Jane Crichton (Associate Director - Major Infrastructure)
T: 01603 559468
"This was highly archaeologically sensitive proposal which included one Scheduled Monument within the site and several others in the immediate vicinity. Paul produced a desk based assessment, negotiated and managed the pre-application fieldwork (managing to limit the works to a geophysical survey), managed the production of a built heritage impact assessment and produced a cultural heritage chapter for the environmental statement. This work, combined with detailed negotiations over design with both the County Archaeologist and the Historic England Inspector, ensured there were no objections to the development on archaeological or heritage grounds. Following the granting of permission Paul also produced a management plan to ensure the protection of the Scheduled Monument within the development and a Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) to deal with any areas of archaeological impact."
t: 01603 631319
t: 0131 600 0319
t: 020 3011 0820
t: 0161 7111740
t: 01223 776740